MIP Reference (Sequenced by date)

Catalogue #1, 1981-1982

1982 Ad:

MIP B-100 Ball Diff, 1982 - 1983

Early B100 diff with red label packaging, instructions above (thanks CB)
(click for larger)

early shocks, holiday buggy aluminum rims

Scan of CN-100 Adjustable Ball Diff (courtesy "MS")


1982-83 also the original transmission designed for the Tamiya cars...I think there was a T-100 and then a T-200.

I-4N, improved rear axles:


SRB Layout w IRS kit:

Examples NOS T1 transmission:

Here's a pic of the B200 Diff: (note different packaging) note PRICE! early 1980's...

The T-200 transmission is specifically noted to mate to the IRS-200 (Independant Rear Suspsension) and to be used with Tamiya SRB's.

JG (MIP Laydown) around 1982, 1983

article page 1, article page 2,

Page 3: quick steer and stiffening rods:

IRS 100 came first, couplings and bearing carriers were aluminum, and snapped...this led to IRS 200 with nylon impregnated fiberglass
Grenenger article page 1 article, page 2 article, page 3 (ad),

IRS 100,200 kits for SRB's kit has very cool rear half shafts:


Here's a good example of what you could do with an SRB (collection MS):

IRS-200 Kit, New in Package

Spring 1984 Ad from Track Torque, 2nd version (200 series) diffs

Here's a reference pic of a period 2wd set up (collection MS):

and another with beautiful vintage Andy Jacobson paint (collection MS):

Taipan Mk II

What is a Taipan Mk II? (Team Pitstop - Australia): Has a Thorp ball diff, welded alloy roll cage, fibreglass chassis plate, polished gearbox casings, machined alloy rear rims (not sure who by..?), RCH nylon suspension arms, Alloy front and rear (mono) coil-over shocks (RCH..??), etc, etc,. I've only just finished a strip & clean of it, and now I reckon it looks tough. It has "Pitstop Taipan" engraved into the metal on the front of the gearbox, and also underneath at the back

Here are some external forum threads with more detail about the Taipan SRB:







Then came the 4 x 400

Track Torque Magazine Spring 1984 (article: "After More Speed")

MIP 4 X 400 Cable Conversion 1984-1985: available for the Tamiya Sand Scorcher. The Scorcher version has plastic front uprights while the RC10 version has aluminum knuckles...gearboxes are white plastic pre-RC10 version, some fr gearboxes for RC10 are white, later are black

Reference Example (MS collection):

How it started and came together:

T1 plus IRS kit

early shafts and prototype spindles:

Just what is a Bowden Cable?

SRB Cable Kit Components:

(another pic here) some cable kit components

Even though things started to change, it wanst completely "out with the old"...
Note the front end on this kit, but that the rear drive is direct output from the Tamiya gear box.see here modified SRB to 4WD:

spare parts:

X-5 Hangers
X-11 Spindles

TX-400 Front Supports

4 x 400 instructions:

1984 or 1985 SP-1 Transmission first release

Then (85?) came an RC10 version of a special design motor mount via Hot Trick motor plate (catalogue pic) for "scratchbuilders"...
MIP / Hot Trick Motor Mount notes:

RC10 cable kit parts (bottom center), shown with rare 4x chassis:

Australian article from intro Page 1, page 2 (late 1984?)

MIP 4X for RC10 instructions, March 1985
instructions 1, instructions 2

(the above pic does NOT have the aluminum knuckles that was part of the original RC10 conversion....)

MIP RC10 4WD Truck version (fr RC10talk.com thread) http://www.rc10talk.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=32682
Here are pics: MIP Team Truck

MIP also developed an IRS (Trailing Arm) kit for RC10 called IRS-10

Then a black RC10 specific transmission case that lasted as long as/after after the Stealth ('89) was released. Black case came with gears in brass, aluminum, delrin, and steel.

#SP2 / 4 x 4 Conversion Kit for RC10 July 1987


Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6 this has the template for the cut

"Cut chassis as needed to clear steering rods...."

builder note: 4-10 chain kit it uses 5 x 11 mm bearings and 5 mm axles. you can't find these axles they are next to near MIA. I use hpi pro 3 axles and standard sized vintage gold rc10 cvd bones to make the same setup. 5 x 11 mm is the 4-10 chain kit + would be used on the CONVERSION belt kit (if converting from the chain drive it would use the old 4-10 front tranny etc.)

B-400 Differential:

B400 Instructions (click)

1988 SP-1


other catalogue pics/ads March 1988:

UL 100 Super Duff (Ultima) June 1988:

(July 1988) SP45 (MIP 4x4 Belt Drive) Instructions Page 1   Page 2

In '89? or '91? the MIP diff got upgraded to the "heavy duty" diff and an optional planetary gear diff was offered.
MIP Pro Series 1989

SP-1 Heavy Duty instructions


BELT DRIVE October 1988

The packaging may have inconsistencies as this kit is clearly labelled SP-2 and is in a chain drive kit box but has a sticker that says "New Belt Conversion". The instructions are also dated 10/88 on all 5 pages....AND there is a technical support sticker (see last picture) that is dated 10/89

"Designed for use on stock or graphite chassis."

This seems to be the 3rd version of the COMPLETE 4 wheel drive conversion kit made by MIP for RC-10 Oct 1988:

Page 3, Page 4, Page 5

open box and diff kit

note the black front transmission case called 4x Gear Box (earlier were white), belt gears and belt guide

U-Joints and bones, steering and front carriers

Rear TX parts and gear adapter, bearings and hardware

Stock SP-1 transmission included

MIP Shock Bodies ad August 1990

MIP Monoshock kit

1991 Ad featuring the 4-10 Legend (Legend kit has yellow headercards)

1992 MIP RC10 4WD 4-10 Legend


pg 1, pg 2, pg 3, pg 4, pg 5, pg 6, pg 7, pg 8

MIP Legend Slipper Instructions

1995 Steering Kit


BUILDS by others

MrLexan's MIP SRB 4WD Cable Build on TC

Shodog's MIP SRB 4WD Cable Build:

Erik SWE's Chain-drive Build on MIP chassis on TC

Railey72's MIP RC10 4WD Chain Drive Build on TC

Inet's MIP RC10 4WD Belt Drive Legend Build on TC

Inet's Blue Legend MIP RC10 4WD Belt Drive (I purchased this for my own collection)


Robotniks MIP RC10 4WD Belt Drive Build, more period hops:

MIP RC10 4WD pre-Legend belt drive layout (click for pic) (Dr Robotnik on TC)

MIP RC10 4WD Belt Drive w Hyperdrive:

MIP RC10 4WD Sassy Chassis Build:

Built "Knuckle" car: